During the 1950’s and ‘60’s, pollution from smoke had got so bad that the government intervened to try to improve conditions.
The Clean Air Act of 1956 was introduced as an ‘emergency’ response to the great London Smog of 1952. This was a culmination of industrial pollution combined with damp, still weather which meant that coal smoke remained in the air to the extent that people could only see a few feet in front of them.
A subsequent Clean Air Act in 1968 extended the reach of the original bill and continued the work to combat air pollution.
this acts is really useful and prevented pollution
this acts is really useful and prevented a lot of air pollutions.
air pollution is really a major problem!
i hope people would be more responsible!
factories, vehicles! its their fault! ahah
This action must be supported by all, so that our children in the future could still breathe fresh air.
A bunch of clean air acts are existing, but how come the condition of the environment is becoming worse?
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