Friday, October 31, 2008

We could make a better living place

I never understood why some such people have to do some bad things to our lovely environment when they can do some thing good to make it much better for the nation and for our world to be a better and much suitable place. How in their conscience of minds do take and use functions of our environment for granted not knowing it could be used not for just luxuries but for what we, people could live for. I, honestly speaking, have done little things that for a certain of time have I realized that it could do harm to our environment and to our natural resources. Now it just concerns me much of how such people continuously manage to do things not to make our place a better one and not knowing it is for their own good…

I believe that the earth and life forms upon it, which our environment and natural resources are to be found, are the result of purposeful design and creation by that cosmic intelligence referred to in the Bible as God. I do not believe this creation is the result of purely materialistic or evolutionary forces. Hence, taking good care of it must be a necessity for us people living in this world and most especially in this country.

I have researched an article something about the Global Warming or the Global Climate change in our world and it made me somehow improve my understanding of how climate changes and how we, people could make a better living place.

Global Climate Change
Global warming is the gradual rise of the earth's surface temperature. The Earth's average temperature has increased by about 1°F (0.5°C) over the past century. An increase in Global warming has occurred in the distant past as the result of natural influences, but the term is most often used to refer to the warming predicted to occur as a result of increased emissions of greenhouse gases.
Human and industrial behavior alters the chemical composition of the atmosphere. This occurs through the buildup of greenhouse gases, namely carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and chlorofluorocarbons. The most probable consequence of these greenhouse gases are increases in temperature, and changes in precipitation, soil moisture and sea level. Economic resources and quality of life such as agriculture, forestry and fishing may be affected.
The main reason that Global Warming is now being called "Global Climate Change" is because the expected outcome of this world-wide temperature shift is that there will be greater variability and less predictability in regional and local climate. It does not necessarily indicate that temperatures will be warmer at a particular location. Weather patterns can be very complex.
Global Climate Change isn't really a new phenomenon. Historically, Earth's global temperatures have always fluctuated. These climate changes occurred naturally and took place over hundreds or thousands of years. Consider the hot and humid climate of the Dinosaurs and the frigid climate of the Mastodons.
The difference now is that human activities are rapidly adding to the naturally occurring greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The natural cycle has been accelerated and the fear is that the "evolutionary cycle" will not be able to adapt to such a rapid change. Trees "migrate" to warmer or colder climate zones over hundreds or even thousands of years while coral reefs - extremely sensitive to temperature changes - take thousands of years to mature. A radical shift in temperature could cause a calamitous loss of habitat.
But how could human activity actually alter the planet's climate? It seems that something as enormous as our planet would be too "big" for us to really interfere with, right? The answer lies in those global warming gases. Carbon Dioxide, the primary global warming gas, only constitutes 0.03% of our atmosphere - essentially a trace gas! Since such a tiny percentage of our atmosphere plays such a crucial role in our climate, it becomes clearer that "small" changes can make a big difference.
Since the Industrial Revolution, humans have pumped billions of tons of global warming gases into the atmosphere through the burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas. These fuels have become the backbone of our modern society - they power our cars, homes, and factories. Additionally, landfills produce methane from the decomposition of trash, and intensive agriculture and the livestock that keep us fed also emit huge quantities of Methane - a more potent, yet less abundant greenhouse gas. (

There are many "ifs, ands or buts" of some such people around us associated with global change. One thing for me is certain, however: that the change is a fact of life on this small planet and basically in our daily lives. Whether those changes are brought about by the hand of man or are simply the effect of a cosmic roll of the dice, they exist only for humankind to consider and mostly manage. They are a test of human cooperation and ingenuity, a test where the results will certainly have global consequences. And I definitely will try to help myself and help some such people change for the better to have an improved living life and place.


Anonymous said...

If we want to stay in the earth for a long long time(for our future generations), we should stop global warming. hopefully everybody will learn to really love our mother earth and would know how it is suffering right now. Nice blog...hope everybody would read this.

Mara Clarisse said...

Many people have not fully understood the attributes of global warming, but these phenomena may not be easily solved. All we can do is be aware of these things and put some action to stop them.

Anonymous said...

If people would think carefully of their contributions to global warming, they would be surprised that what they have been doing would have been a big contribution to global warming. One thing that people might not be aware of that has a big contribution to pollution is the use of plastic. We may not be aware but each time we eat junk food or use a sachet of shampoo, we contribute it to pollution. Plastic is all around us. It is used by almost everyone and something bad in plastic is that it is not biodegradable which means it stays there until the world comes to an end. Imagine how much plastic we waste each day and burning plastic is not an option since it will greatly speed up the destruction of our ozone layer which would lead to global warming. I hope that all people would be able to watch Al Gore's film: "An Inconvenient Truth" since here the effects of global warming is illustrated well and our minds will be opened to the truth. When global warming continues, ice caps would melt and several cities if not countries would be submerged under water. We cannot say that education is a key to solving our problem since it is those greatly educated persons who are the ones contributing a lot to pollution for their own benefits. If only people can feel the suffering that our planet is going through right now then maybe they can realize that they must take action in order to create a better place for all of us.

Vito Ignacio Vergel de Dios Uylangco said...

It's all in our hands whether to make a better place to live in. It's just a matter of being responsible on our actions